Saturday 28 June 2014

Twice the fun

 Not a very exciting post today, I've spent the last week working on another two infantry Battalions for the 51st Highland Division. I've completed them as per the previous 4 Battalions that I've done and I'm pleased with the results. At this point I have 6 infantry Battalions completed which means I have two of the Divisions 3 Infantry Brigades finished.

I had intended to crack straight on having finished these and complete the last 3 infantry Battalions but I'm getting a bit bored as I've painted the same units countless times now. So instead I'll be working on the Battalions HQ stands and a couple of the Divisions support Battalions/Brigades, so more interesting things like arty etc.

Some more pics below of the two newly finished Battalions (1st Bn Gordon Highlanders and 5th Bn The Gordon Highlanders respectively)

Sunday 22 June 2014

Just a hint of Death

Finished another four of my Studio Miniatures zombies.I particularly enjoyed painting these four though I'm not all that happy with how the "biker" turned out. I wish I had been more adventurous with his bandanna, but my free hand skills are weak.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Highland Warriors

 Been a bit busy over the last few days, but had time to paint up my first stand of Napoleonic Warriors. I'm pretty pleased with the results myself, got another 3 to do and i've also just finished 4 more zombies which I'll blog about later or tomorrow.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Naked Death

 Another four zombies to add to my shuffling horde, again these are from Studio Miniatures metal range. A joy to paint, although with hindsight their skin looks a bit "fresh" as I didn't give them enough green/rotten skin highlights.

 I painted this guy with pink bunny slippers, because you know what middle aged man doesn't have a pair of pink bunny slippers. Sadly they came out red looking in the pictures.

 I'm really pleased with how the white/grey hair came out though.

Since doing mr "should really be dead" I've added a load of blood to his base so there's a trail from where he's been dragging himself along.

I did a quick count today and it turns out I have a veritable horde of 24 zombies painted, with another 8 on the painting table! I'm pretty surprised to be honest as it didn't feel like I had painted that many. I'm going to get more plastic and metal zombies from Studio Miniatures as they all look good together. I've also just finished basing 2 more Infantry Battalions for my 6mm project so I expect to slog through them soon!

I've been considering trying to create a 6mm zombie project as I could build a proper town and stuff in 6mm, but I suspect that zombies is a "period" to far for 6mm.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Tiny Hip

Those of you that follow my meandering blog may recall this post Hipster where I discussed the below picture and how I had an urge to create a diorama of it. Well the Hip in 28mm was going to be massively expensive so I decided to do it in 6mm.

Original Picture

My Diorama

Its not perfect, I don't like the helicopters blades at all and the chopper I've used is not an exact match (the picture is a more modern variant I believe) but I'm fairly happy with the results. The whole thing is a tad pointless as I don't game any modern africa in 6mm. I guess if I ever do this could be some sort of objective marker or something. 

I've got more Zombies on the paint desk at the moment as well as some more 6mm naps. 

Sunday 8 June 2014

Stumbling Dead

Spent the last couple of days painting the first of my metal Studio Miniatures Zombies. I've painted plenty of their plastic ones but never bought any of the metal ones before. I'm very impressed the sculpting and casting is extremely good and the figures are very detailed (disgustingly so in some cases).

I've really enjoyed painting these, got the other four from the set on the paint table at the moment, along with a couple of 6mm projects which I also hope to have finished today or tomorrow.

I've also realised I seem to be painting a very "white" collection of zombies. It just never occurs to me to paint anything other than Caucasian skin which is a bit odd. I don't really know how to paint darker skin tones so I'm going to scour the net for some tutorials and endeavor to diversify my zombie apocalypse!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Trucking on

 Nothing very exciting today, just painted 4 trucks to go with my 6mm brits, waiting on Heroic and Ros sending me my latest order so I can make real progress on this project. Also just undercoated another set of Studio Miniatures metal zombies, so probably will paint those later.

Tuesday 3 June 2014


Spent yesterday and this morning painting up another 4 Zombies for my horde! From left to right I went for a doctor, a couple of random delivery men and what is supposed to be a MacDonald's person (the M did not really work). I'm proper pleased with them, they look nicely gory!

After putting on some big bits of blood I took an old brush and sort of flicked red paint at the figures, this has left some nice light speckling over them giving a bit more of a subtle effect. I have overdone the grass on the bases a bit on these four (not really sure how as I just went through my usual "basing" process but ho hum I can live with it)

I'm undecided as to what I will paint next, either the team captain for my VBCW team or some more Zombies.

Monday 2 June 2014

Never a foul ref

So i've spent the last couple of days preparing my 3 officials to go with my vbcw football team. Again there perry's miniatures. I'm really pleased with the results and now just need to add a team captain and flag bearer to complete the 5 man command squad.


First Linesman 

Second Linesman

The linesman's (mens?) flags are the mortar arms from the perry set cut down with paper flags attached. I think they work fairly well though the poses are a bit more rigid than I would have liked.

In other news I've very kindly been sent the Liebster award again and very much like Michael over at 28mm Victorian Warfare I had planned to quietly ignore this this year. But that seemed a tad churlish and self centered.

With that said having considered who I would have sent it on to I can see that they have already been "Liebstered" so I wont double up. Instead I will say that if you have not already you should check out this very good blog, which I was only recently directed to.

Currently I'm painting up some Zombies, having been reinfected with the bug myself recently. I'm also currently awaiting delivery of more WW2 6mm from Heroic and Ros to continue that project.