Friday 25 November 2016

Undead Biker

Only managed to paint up a couple of Zeds from Studio Miniatures in the last week or so. I am rather pleased with how the bandanna on the biker type turned out, though I think he might need a bit more gore!  

Thursday 17 November 2016

A trio of coppers

Finally finished 3 additions to my 1970s project. These are Crooked Dice Minions with police heads and bullet proof vests sculpted on by yours truly. The intention was to create some RUC looking types but when I look at these I think I picked a bit of a German Border guard green. 

Still happy with the results, I need to do a fourth at some point, as three seems like an odd number! 

As usual my picture taking skills are such that the shading is lost in the images but still, they look nice enough. 

Sunday 6 November 2016

Night of the Living Dad

Finished another 4 of the Studio Miniatures Zombies, this first chap actually looks oddly like my father (right down to the beard) I had intended to get these done before the end of October but such is life. 

I went for some high viz stripes on this chap, not sure how well it worked out really. 

All in all a pretty gore heavy group of miniatures. Such is my way I am currently toying with a return to a smaller scale perhaps 20mm or 15mm for the fiscal savings alone its an attractive proposition.