Friday 30 December 2011

A tiny artist

The last of my presents to family is this little offering which was a gift for my wife. Finding and painting a figure for the wife proved quite difficult as she is an artist herself I wanted to paint an artisty figure. This provided near impossible, and I ended up having to sort of make my own.

The figure is from Hasslefree miniatures with some small alterations by me. Namely the outstretched hand used to have a magic wand in it, I turned this into a little brush with some putty. The other hand did hold a baseball bat, this was also cut down and made to look brush like with some putty. The easel is cocktail sticks with a card "canvas".

I painted the figure in purple and blues as these are her favourite colours, I'm quite pleased with the result although I have another idea for her birthday which should work out better!

Wednesday 28 December 2011

The shop is now open!

Bit of a diversion from earlier posts. My gaming computer gave up the ghost some time ago and my inner geek is crying itself to sleep at the loss of one of my sources of entertainment. Therefore I have decided (with the wifes endorsement) to sell off my substantial DVD collection.

I have over the last 8 years or so ammased a collection of 321 rather good films both new and old. All on ebay as a job lot for £300 with free delivery to the Aberdeenshire area. Not sure if anyone from here would be interested but what the hey.


I also intend to sell of my Ottoman Turks and possibly some other figures over the next few weeks to add to the fund.


Tuesday 27 December 2011

A light in the darkness

This is the figure I painted and based for my Dad. Now many years ago why my parents lived in Southend my dad was obsessed with stopping the snails from eating his plants. So he used to go out with a torch at night and try and catch them. Therefore I thought this figure from Artizan was just right, it even has a big bushy beard like dad!

I added a couple of snails to the base myself using modelling putty, and I'm pretty pleased with this, particularly the trews and the flecks of white on the beard.

Monday 26 December 2011

Battle Chef

Today's offering is the model I painted and based as a gift for my mum. As she makes the best dashed apple pie in the world (my opinion obviously) it seemed only fitting that I find an appropriate cooking figure! Hence I chose this figure from the Lead Adventure shop.

I really like how the red dress turned out, I built up the layering to the highlight over several coats. The white trim on the armour etc also turned out great in my view. Lovely figure would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a medieval villager or Mordheim extra!

Sunday 25 December 2011

I say holmes

Firstly, Happy Christmas, I hope everyone's day was as enjoyable as mine was. I'm sure most will have noticed that my pace of miniature completion had slowed over the last two months. There were a couple of reasons for this. The main reasons were new job, moved house etc etc, but I have not been completely slack.

This year my family decided we should exchange home made presents as we all have most of what we need (that we can afford) and it seemed silly buying each other stuff just for the sake of it. Therefore the gauntlet was thrown down and we all had to make presents.

I decided to paint and base on display plinths a miniature for each family member. I'll post pictures of them over the next few days.

Today is a picture of my sister's model. My sister is studying for her PHD in English and she is obsessed with Criminal Fiction, having written a paper on Holmes and Watson. Therefore I could not resist painting up this great figure set from Paul Hicks. The paint job was technically challenging and really enjoyable to paint, she was also thrilled by the gift so its wins all round.

Happy Christmas.