Monday, 7 May 2012

Support Iron Sky

Just thought I would hop on my soap box this morning as I received an email advising me that the distributor (revolver) for this bloody funny looking film has decided that it will only be released in the UK for one day. This is obviously plainly stupid. The team that have produced the film are trying to get a wider and longer UK release and have setup a website to ask for the film to be released in your area.

Go here and sign up to show your support and get this film released to your area. I for one have signed up as me, my wife and Dad all want to go and see this and currently its not being released (it seems) in Aberdeen.


  1. What only one day, Noooooooooooooooo. Where do I sign

  2. How strange; definitely want to see this!

  3. Plain Stupid isn't it. Spread the word chaps.

  4. One day release is bad, making it a Wednesday is even worse - it's 40 miles to the cinema for me, there's no way I'd make it in time after work!
