Sunday 29 May 2016

Weird Germans

Slow progress again on the blog mainly due to my camera being on the blink and having some trouble getting decent pictures. Completed these 10 Studio Miniatures German Zombies over the last few weeks. These are going to be part of my Weird War 2 project that I'm indulging in at the moment. 

The sculpts are nice my only criticism would be that one of the two bodies types available on the sprue is lurching forwards in a very distinctive manner which means careful positioning of the arms, and re positioning of the head is required to avoid the Zombies looking similar. 

I had some of the modern zombies plastic Studio Miniatures sprues lying around and used some heads and arms from this to add some more variety, I also hacked up some of the helmet heads. The other plastic sprues fit well with this set so I would recommend anyone thinking of getting the German Zombies to buy a couple of single sprues from the Modern range to add variety. 

I enjoyed painting these up and went as far as painting collar markings and an impression of the eagle above the pocket etc. I think the little extra details make these more interesting, otherwise they might look just a bit grey. 

Overall I think these are good value, I have another 10 to do and intend to modify them a bit more to add variety. Picture quality is not great, I really need to setup a light box or something. 


  1. Great to see you posting again and what a treat, lovely conversions Sir.
